مشاريع الرزمة 5

Vet Project


 WP5, vocational training projects, This work package would create a synergy between members of the academic partners and the socio-economic world based on the joint production experience of training programs targeting

In collaboration with training institutions (universities, companies and others), these actions will analyze different fields for the purpose of identifying the skills required and, subsequently, choose at least two projects (based on needs competences)

This work package will create a synergy between members of the academic partners and the socio-economic world based on the joint production experience of training programs targeting specific skills.


Work Package Objective:

The objective of this W.P. is to enable Palestinian academic and technical staff to apply the methods and aids of training engineering and pedagogical engineering projects in line with the requirement and priority of the socio-economic sector.


Work Package Tasks:

To achieve the objective of this work package academic and Technical Staff from the universities will design and develop a number of vocational training projects (about specific competences -needs-) , and this will be by performing the following tasks:

1.     Consultations to identify specific projects

2.     Elaboration of the specifications for each project;

3.     Construction of tools and training materials;

4.     Deliver the developed training on a target of group

5.     Evaluating the vocational training projects

6.     Drafting of the synthesis report on the results and recommendations



1-    Development of vocational training projects (4 Projects) by university staff, on specific skills identified with the socio-economic sector.

2-    Delivering these vocational projects to target group.

3-    Evaluation of these vocational training projects.


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