The partner universities in the TVETCQ Project led by Palestine Technical University Kadoorie develop 4 joint courses


 The partner universities in the TVETCQ project led by Palestine Technical University Kadoorie held a coordination meeting aimed at developing four joint courses at the postgraduate, bachelor’s, and intermediate diploma levels 

The meeting was moderated by the project manager Dr. Nuha Iter from the Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, and the Sixth Work Package coordinator in the project from Al-Quds University, Dr. Inas Nasser, and the meeting was attended by experts in university course development and representatives from Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, Al-Quds university, An-Najah National University, Palestine Polytechnic University, Arab American University, and the University College of Applied Sciences (Gaza). The attendees discussed the nature of the courses that will be developed in terms of the course title, content, level of the course, and the possibility of its implementation in partner universities. The attendees agreed that the upgraded courses would serve three academic degrees: Postgraduate, Bachelor’s, and Intermediate Diploma, and these courses are: 

1. Entrepreneurship and innovation course 

2. A course on social perspectives of work and profession 

3. Occupational safety and health course 

4. Life skills course 

During the meeting, the scope and limitations of each course were discussed by specialized experts, as their remarks had a great impact on drawing the features of the course and four teams were formed, where each team will develop one of these courses, which will be integrated (Face to Face and Online) courses and the team will develop an integrated plan. The TVETCQ steering committee will be adopted one of the most suitable and global models of developing curriculum, they will be developed a syllabus for each course to help faculties in the participating universities to implementing these courses accurately and smoothly, and the developed courses will be tested in the summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021 and the first semester of the academic year 2021/2022 

